Care You Can Trust

Assisted Living & Respite

Short or Mid-Term Accommodation

(07) 5515 7949

Relax ♦ Recharge ♦ Revitalise

Feeling stressed, struggling each day or at that burnout point? It’s important for you to relax, recharge and revitalise.  Our team at COS Provider offers experienced personnel that will only provide the best care for your love one. Through an individually tailored program promoting therapy strategies and methods. It’s important that your love one feels safe and secure and we have the space and personnel to make that happen. We only have a limited capacity and vacancy available.

Contact us to learn about our customised rates and come for a visit.

Assisted Living

Our personnel have the experience and personality to connect to people. Their ability to deal with challenges and implement alternate and positive behaviours has seen our support successful in strengthening relationships or in some cases mending them.

STA (Short-Term Accommodation)

Our house is a home! Its wide-open spaces and relaxed feel is comforting for those who stay either a day or weeks. It is a safe and supportive environment.

MTA (Medium-Term Accommodation)

Waiting for permanent accommodation to be ready and need a place to stay until its completed. Our house will be your home until you’re ready to make your own.

Talk With Us Today!

Many families have come to us when things have become difficult and we have provided a support that makes positive changes for everyone. Contact us today for a resolution.


24 Hour Care

Public Transport


Living Areas

Sensory Room



Health & Fitness

